
New students can be enrolled online by clicking here.

Items to bring after enrolling online to LBMS:

  • Original birth certificate
  • Utility bill showing you reside in Burbank
  • If you reside with another family, please have the person come in with you and provide a current utility bill and a copy of their driver’s license
  • Immunization Record
  • TDap vaccine if you are enrolling a 7th or 8th grader
  • Transfer scripts from previous school with withdrawal form or last report card if 6th grade
  • Your ID. 

  If you have any further questions please call Mrs. Rittmiller at (818) 729-3700 Ext 20915.


2024/25 Enrollment Dates

Resident Families NEW to the city of Burbank

Non-residents who work 10 or more hours per week in Burbank who would like a permit to enroll in Burbank Unified School District

Permit request to change schools for Burbank residents