8th Grade Important Dates
- 16 NAF Information at Lunch in Library
- 17 Museum of Tolerance Field Trip
- 20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day (no school)
- 4 High school information sessions with counselors (parents)
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM in the library
1:00 PM over Zoom
- 7 Semi-Formal
- 11 High school counselor presentations in Advisory
- 13 High school registration in English
- 14 - 28 Optional student/parent high school registration conference held with counselors if needed
- 3 Final day for students to change or add course requests in Aeries student portal account
- 17 - 21 Spring Break
- 2 Eighth Grade College & Career Day in all classes (business dress expected of mock interviews)
- 8 Universal Studios Junior Grad Bash
- 14 Deadline for promotion ceremony eligibility (grades & citizenship marks submitted)
- 21 8th Grade Party after lunch on the Luther field
- 22 Promotion Ceremony 9:00 AM