Extra/Cocurricular Eligibility
Luther Burbank Middle School
Extracurricular/ Cocurricular Eligibility Requirements
In accordance with Administrative Regulations 6145, Luther Burbank Middle School will adhere to the following requirements for extracurricular and cocurricular activities including, but not limited to:
- Cheer
- Dances
- Lunch Activities
- Performing in assemblies
- 8th grade Grad Night
- After school activities (Track meet, Tri-School Basketball Tournament, etc.)
Middle School Student Participation in Extracurricular and Coccurricular Activities
Middle school students, grades 6-8, who are not suspended, expelled, or serving detention may participate in extracurricular activities that are not a part of the regular school curriculum, are not graded, do not offer credit, and do not take place during classroom time.
Extracurricular Eligibility Requirements
The following criteria will result in being ineligible for participation in ungraded activities, field trips and performances during and after school hours, on weekends and during school breaks.
- Two or more Unsatisfactory (U) marks in citizenship on any 5-week progress or semester report card.
- Two or more failing (F) grades on any progress or report card.
- A suspension (*See additional details below.)
- A grade point average of less than 2.0.
- Unsatisfactory attendance
- Students must attend at least 4 class periods on the day of an after-school performance or activity (unless a written excuse from a medical doctor is provided).
- Students who are absent 2 class periods or more on the day of an after-school performance or activity, are ineligible without a doctor’s note or prior approval from the principal.
Students who do not meet the eligibility requirements listed above will be placed on a 5-week probationary period (with the exception of a suspension), which is a warning period to raise grades and/or citizenship marks.
- During any grading period after the probationary period, if a student does not meet eligibility requirements a second time, they will be considered ineligible for the full 5 week grading period.
- Students who are suspended are ineligible for 5 weeks from the day of their suspension. Students may write an appeal, to be reviewed by administration.
Eligibility requirements apply, but are not limited to:
- Participating in ASB, VMA, IMA, Cheer, Drama, lunch activities, and competitions
- Participating in school activities including but not limited to the Tri-School Track Meet and Basketball Tournament, Intramural Sports, non-curricular field trips, non-curricular assemblies, 8th grade Grad Night, 8th grade semi-formal, and the 8th grade party