Visit and Volunteer
Get Involved With Luther Burbank Middle School Today!
Visitor Policy
The safety and security of students and staff at Luther Burbank Middle School is of the utmost importance. A critical part of creating a safe campus environment is for the administration, as well as those individuals or classrooms receiving visitors, to have advance knowledge of all visitors. School administration must know at all times who is on campus and reserve the right to refuse entry to any visitor. The following procedures for visiting Luther Burbank Middle School will be strictly followed:
Luther Burbank Middle School is a closed campus. All students are required to remain on school grounds during the regularly scheduled school day, including the lunch period. It is unlawful for anyone to take a student away from school during the regular school day without first obtaining proper permission from a designated school official.
Administration is responsible for managing the involvement of volunteers and visitors, and for ensuring that the activities of visitors and volunteers do not result in undue disruption of the instructional program. It is also important that the presence of visitors and volunteers does not contribute to safety or security issues for students and staff members or for the visitors themselves.
- All visitors must sign in at the front door (main entrance on Jeffries Avenue) and receive a visitor’s pass from the main office.
- All visitors must present a valid form of ID, and provide all requested information (e.g., visitor’s name, date, time, name, purpose of visit, other additional information the School may require). This is for the safety of students, staff, as well as the individual in case of emergency. Failure to provide information will be grounds for denial of access.
- Visitors must specify the purpose of their visit and their destination.
- Wear a visitor’s badge at all times during your stay at the school..
- Request an appointment for a visitation date and time from the office staff after entering the school office. As much advance notice as possible should be given, but no visitor can be guaranteed entry to the campus on a specific date and time.
- Visitors must return the visitor’s badge and sign out when they leave campus.
Failure to follow any of these basic procedures may result in a visitor not receiving authorization to enter the building and/or being barred from future visits.
Dropping off Items:
Visitors do not need to sign in / receive badge if they are dropping off items at the door. However, LBMS is not responsible for lost or stolen items left for student pick up. Money is not allowed for drop off for any reason.
- All visitors must sign in at the front door (main entrance on Jeffries Avenue) and receive a visitor’s pass from the main office.
- All visitors must present a valid form of ID, and provide all requested information (e.g., visitor’s name, date, time, name, purpose of visit, other additional information the School may require). This is for the safety of students, staff, as well as the individual in case of emergency. Failure to provide information will be grounds for denial of access.
- Visitors must specify the purpose of their visit and their destination.
- Wear a visitor’s badge at all times during your stay at the school..
- Request an appointment for a visitation date and time from the office staff after entering the school office. As much advance notice as possible should be given, but no visitor can be guaranteed entry to the campus on a specific date and time.
- Visitors must return the visitor’s badge and sign out when they leave campus.
- The staff person/student you are visiting must be on campus that day and aware of the visit.
- Visitors must be escorted by designated school personnel at all times on campus.
- Do not interfere with any school activity during the visitation. Visiting LBMS is a privilege, not a right.
- Enter and leave the classroom/office as quietly as possible when school is in session.
- While class is in session, do not converse with students, teachers, and/or instructional aides during the visitation unless explicitly permitted.
Volunteer Information
Whether you are a parent, a relative of a student, or a member of the community, supporting our school can be a very rewarding experience. Volunteers can not only help bring in needed resources but also help people in the community to see our school as a positive force in the neighborhood.
Volunteering your time can make a huge impact on our children’s educational experience and life in general. We are so grateful for all those parents and friends that can take the time to not only be in the classroom but volunteer to support student activities and special events! Anywhere there is a student, there is a need.
Register Here to volunteer at Luther
A special thank you to those parents, business partners, neighbors and friends that continue to take the time to get involved and go beyond our expectations:
Here are a few ways you can get involved today!
Volunteer your time at the school library.
- Attend and help at school events such as the PTSA Family Fiesta, Back to School Night, Lunchtime Activities and Student Clubs.
- Supervise on field trips to places like the Museum of Tolerance, California Science Center or LACMA.
- Tutor a child in an area where you have an expertise.
- Assist with school projects like Registration, Red Ribbon Week, Day of the Ancients, or World History Day.
- Help us with telephones, clerical assistance, picture days, or assemblies.
We greatly welcome and appreciate your involvement!
If you are interested in volunteering, please come see Natalie Rittmiller in our Attendance Office or call her at 818-729-3700 extension 20903 for more information.