Parent/Caregiver Support Resources

Parent/Caregiver Support Resources

Allina Health -

Tips for Talking with Teens developed by teens for adults. It outlines the do’s and don’ts of having a conversation about mental health and self-care with a teenager.

Center for Parent and Teen Communication offers practical, science-based strategies for strengthening family connections and building young people prepared to thrive.  

Child Mind Institute

Child Mind Institute Family Resources

NAGC (National Alliance for Grieving Children)

NAGC Toolkit in Support of Children, Teens, and Families: Responding to Change and Loss

NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness) 

Basics” homepage (free 6-week training for parents of kids with a mental health diagnosis) 

NCSTN (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Activities for Home without use of Internet 

Parenting Video Library

Short videos browseable by topic:

Kids in the House" Videos from Challenge Success Co-Founders Denise Pope and Madeline Levine

Center for Parent and Teen Communication