Seventh & Eighth Grade Electives
Seventh and eighth grade students will take 2 semester classes, one in the fall and one in the spring.
Single Semester Classes
ART: You will learn how to think as an artist and create with various art media including acrylics, watercolor, pencil, mixed media, pastels, and other specialized materials. Projects vary each year.
BEGINNING SPANISH: This preparatory course breaks down complicated concepts making sure there is a smooth transition into Spanish 1 (an accredited high school class available to 8th graders).
CULINARY ARTS: Students continue their culinary (cooking) education with a more in-depth look at terms, skills, techniques and tools used in today’s kitchens. Young chefs-in-training spend lots of time in Luther’s gleaming kitchen to create a variety of sweet and savory dishes that tempt the palate and please the eye. Emphasis is placed on presentation of food, willingness to try NEW foods, kitchen safety, cleaning of Luther’s kitchen and personal hygiene. *Eating the food prepared in class is required so that students try new things and we learn about eliminating food waste. $ Food ingredients are requested.
DIGITAL MEDIA: This course covers basic skills for Digital Photography; Video Editing using iMovie, Premiere Pro and After Effects; Graphic Design using Photoshop and Illustrator; music creation with Garageband; and coding skills with Scratch and
Year Long Classes (Teachers will approve all requests)
ADVANCED ART: This course will teach students how to take an idea from its very beginning stage all the way through to a thoughtfully finished artwork. We will practice keeping a sketchbook, experimenting with materials, and learning advanced skills in a variety of art media. Projects will include 3 dimensional (clay and large group projects) and 2 dimensional (pencil, pastel, watercolor, acrylic) creations. $
ADVANCED DIGITAL MEDIA / VIDEO: This course covers advanced skills for digital photography, graphic design and video editing, focusing on the development of visual media. Students will make videos for a school TV show and be part of a Middle School Film Festival. Students will also photograph school events and develop other forms of digital media, including music and games. $@
YEARBOOK: Students will perform all duties required for the design, creation, sales, and distribution of the yearbook. Duties will include taking pictures of people and events, interviewing staff and students, writing copy , laying out pages, and creating advertising campaigns. $@
ALL CHOIRS: This vocal performance/dance class is for students who enjoy singing, dancing and performing on stage in live productions. Students must audition with Mr. Redman and will be placed into one of the choirs based on their ability. This program includes afterschool and weekend rehearsals/performances and competitions. $*@
ASB (LEADERSHIP): Students in ASB plan, organize, and participate in such activities as formal and informal parties, dances, and events, Spirit Days/weeks, grade-level competitions, community awareness projects, cultural events, Student Council, and student and staff recognition throughout the year. ASB manages and staffs the Student Store and oversees fundraising opportunities. Students must maintain high academic and citizenship grades to remain in the class. Students are elected or appointed to the class each spring for the following school year. If you are interested in being a leader at Luther, consider running for an office or applying to be appointed to the class. Contact Mr. Concidine for an application. $@
BANDS AND STRINGS: School instruments are available; donations gladly accepted. $*@
BEGINNING BAND: Have you ever wanted to learn an instrument? In Beginning Band, students will learn to play a band instrument (Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Tuba or Percussion). Students will learn to read music, work as a team and develop as musicians. Open to ALL students – NO previous experience required.
BEGINNING STRINGS: Have you ever wanted to learn the violin, the viola, cello or string bass. Students will learn to read music, work as a team and develop as musicians. Open to ALL students, no previous experience required.
INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED STRINGS: For students who have played a string instrument (violin, viola cello or string bass) for at least one year. Students continue to improve as musicians and have more opportunities to perform throughout the year. New students must audition with Mr. Hernandez.
CONCERT BAND/WIND ENSEMBLE: Band students who have played a woodwind, brass or percussion instrument for at least one year will continue to improve as musicians, learn music that is more challenging, and have plenty of opportunities to perform. New students must audition with Mr. Hernandez.
CATERING: Junior chefs (commis chefs) learn to prepare a variety of meals from different cultures, bake a variety of breads and pastries, homemade pastas, soups, salads and sauces. The chefs are taught how to cater for large groups of people on an on-going basis through Luther’s Cafe Lu, a weekly cafe whereby catering commis chefs prepare and deliver meals to staff members at Luther. Emphasis is placed on kitchen safety, cooperative working, job skills training, personal hygiene, and cleaning Luther’s kitchen.
$ requested for hat and apron and some food ingredients.
EXPLORING ENGINEERING: This course offers experiences in 16 different hands-on areas called modules. Examples are Robotics, Lights & Lasers, Applied Physics, Flight Technology, CNC Milling, Engines, Rocketry & Space, 3D printing and Electronics just to name a few. Module activities are delivered through hands-on learning and multimedia curriculum. Our modules focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM). $
TA (Teacher or Office Assistant): Students assist the teachers as needed. Requirements: No D’s, No F’s, No U’s and No suspensions. Students must contact the teacher to request to be a TA. This is only available to 8th graders.
SPANISH 1: This is a high school accredited class. Students work towards literacy as they acquire relevant content through the study of various topics, and use language to participate in social interactions. Students will be exposed to communication, culture, community, comparison and context in Spanish. The 7 a.m. class allows students to have a second elective. Good attendance is required for the 7 a.m. class. This class is only open to 8th graders.
$ Contributions toward rental, performance or other material costs related to this elective are greatly appreciated.
* Based on an audition, you will be placed in the appropriate class.
@ After school performances/rehearsal/activities associated with this class.